Time with God

What I have enjoyed being on this journey is to see God’s beauty and glory!  He reveals Himself so much through His creation - this amazes me.  Right now we are camping (not roughing it - LOL - we are enjoying ourselves at Bluewater RV resort).  So, this morning I am up early, didn’t plan it that way, just got up and remembered that the sun was about to rise.  Hubby and I had a plan last night how we would go over to the beach and watch the sunrise - romantic, right??  As the night went on and my allergies went into full bloom, all those plans went out the window, so when I woke up early, I thought, this is my chance, my chance to grab some beautiful photos of the sun rising.  I got the dog and went outside, yes, in my P.J.’s and wanted to watch the glorious moment.  Well, I guess I wasn’t the only one, others were out there as well.  So I hurried the dog up and came back inside to see how I could take some photos.  Here is what I was able to take from inside the RV: 
God is so amazing!  I love watching Him be creative.  He is creating “all things new” and “works all things together” for His glory!  What a joy it is to watch Him at work and to join Him there.  When I took the first picture I thought about how Jesus holds us in the palm His hands, protecting us along our journey.  He is the palm tree (“the Vine” and when we “abide in Him” we will flourish ).  The second photo reminds me that He is always watching over us, He is right there by us, “never leaving us nor forsaking us”. Never out of His sight.

Unfortunately, today we pack up to leave and head back to reality.  Reality isn’t bad, I feel very blessed to walk along side women who are hurting and need the love of Jesus.  The Lord has totally blessed me in this stage of my life.  I also thank the Lord for the times where I can recharge, refocus and renew - becoming ready for what He invites me to join Him in next.

God, the RV & me...


  1. I am praying for you during your blog journey. May your eyes be focused on Jesus and may the holy Spirit renew you daily.


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