
The world was once formless and void.  How impossible to imagine.  The Creator took nothing and created form, boundaries, beauty and it was good.  I am in awe of Him, our Creator.  How much imagination His has.  Even when I look at the sky, I see different colors of blue in it - wild! 

Creating the world was just a start for God, He didn’t stop there.  He created us and He gave us a body, a heart, a brain, skin, for me, interesting feet and also so so much more.  He created us male and female, in His image.  What is even more imaginative is that He created us in all different colors, shapes and sizes.     

So, we have a beautiful world to live in.  Amazing places to see, explore and visit.  Extraordinary people to meet and form relationships.  All of this is through the imagination of God.  What can your imagination come up with today?  Create something beautiful - a painting, a poem, a friendship, a legacy - just create and use your imagination!  God has given us one to use.

God, the RV & me...


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