
Have you had those questions?  Why am I here?  What is my purpose?  How did I get here?  I have had times in my life where I have asked those questions.  What has God called me to and how do I know I am following His will.  Some questions in life are hard, some are not.  So here are some questions I have for you!

Why is he here?  What is his purpose?  How did he get on the bumper of my RV?  A SNAKE - really?????  Not my favorite at all!  Since the beginning of time, actually chapter 3 of Genesis, I have not been a fan of snakes.  When I look at them, they seem slimy (I know they aren’t), but still, to me, gross!  

Hubby posted this picture and so many people said, “oh, it’s a good snake”, really??  Still not a fan!  Just really curious to what he was after and why he felt being on the bumper of the RV was the best place for him.  Guess it was way better than seeing him inside the RV or my house!

So, back to the beginning of my questions, they are important to questions to ask, but what is more important is to know the answers.  You are the Princess to the MOST HIGH KING.  You are created in God’s image.  He is love and He loves you with all of Himself!  

We are here for two reasons - so to some up the reasons are:  To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love others as ourself.  How do we do this?  Well, stay tuned, we will begin that dialogue next time!

God, the RV & me...


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