A little slice of Heaven

 After staying at the Corpus Christi KOA, we moved on to Sargent, TX.  This is a very small RV park, only 7 spots.  We booked far enough ahead to make sure we got the spot we wanted, spot #5.  

We will stay here until January 30th and then head up the coast to Galveston until February 28th.  It is so amazing sitting at the dinning room table, watching the waves and enjoying the beauty God has created.  I can just stare at those waves for hours and they make such a beautiful sound.

The house has been painted and today they are doing clean up in the pastures.  Hoping to get some good pictures taken tomorrow and then bam, the house will be on the market.  My prayer is that is sells quickly and we will be heading on our way across America.  We do have our trip planned out until the end of June and prayerfully the border will be open so we can make our way into Canada in July.  We want to spend time in Banff.

The Lord is showing me that it is ok to slow down, look at His beauty and watch Him at work.  My prayer is to be open to where He is working so I can join alongside Him.  My next step is to start working on my devotional.  I found a way to where I might be able to post it on YouVersion.  So prayerfully that will be the way it works.  I will keep you posted.

God, the RV & me...  


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