
 Life needs relationships, it is to hard to be alone on that desert island. Remember the movie “Cast Away”? Tom Hanks made a friend out of a volleyball that he named Wilson. He needed someone to talk with, someone to do life with, someone who would be there through the good, the bad and the ugly. 

That’s where these ladies come in:

Years ago Robin and Fonda came into my life. Robin’s daughter, Tammy and my daughter Tara were in kindergarten together and became friends. Then, Robin’s daughter, Jennifer, started going to a church. Well, Robin and her family started going to that church, Fonda and her family started going, and the Lord led me and my family there. When I was pregnant with my third child, Robin threw me a baby shower and the rest is history. 

This is what I know and what God says, “One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have the king (queens) for a friend.” Proverbs 22:11 (NIV). These ladies are my queens. We love each other and for over 28 years we have been in each other’s lives. Through it all; raising children, changing churches, moving, weddings, grandbabies, loved ones passing away, family conflicts we have been there for one another. We may not talk every day like we used too, but when we get together, we pick right back up.  

This weekend we were able to get together at Fonda’s Creek House. It is our time together before Hubby and I hit the road and finally take the RV out of the state of Texas. It has been a very wonderful time with my queens. We have shared good meals, talked about a million things, played cards and most of all laughed. Good times for sure. I will treasure these memories in my heart.

Having relationships is very important and I challenge you to find queens in your life. Allow others to know the real you, where you feel safe and can share anything. Don’t be alone on an island where you only have a “Wilson”. Life is too short and can be hard, especially during this time. 

God, the RV & me...


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