Two Month Recap

 I can't believe it has been 2 months that we have been living in an RV. Where has the time gone? Hubby and I started out on January 14th in Corpus Christi for a week, then we spent two weeks in Sargent, after that the month of February in Galveston, and now we are in Magnolia for the month of March. I am glad we are done with beach time. It was WINDY and we also froze, it was crazy, I tell you. 

So, what is it like living in an RV for two months? It is amazing and also so different. Most of my days are spent doing some exercise, having my time with the Lord, walking the dog and if I am honest, playing Spider (a game that is sort of like Solitaire). I also read, so let's just say it has been laid back. I do run errands, grocery shop, do laundry, that sort of thing. This past Thursday while I was doing laundry, I also cleaned the RV, that was nice to have some alone time to do that (hubby was running errands that day). There have been a few times when I so wanted to go back to the house. To have a building to be in, especially during the freeze. That was scary, being in an RV, no power, no water, snow and ice all around. Hubby reminded me that God is in control and hubby (as well as God) made sure we were safe and had propane so that the heater would run and we didn't starve. We lost some food in the fridge/freezer, but we were safe. It was also good to have friends during that time, nice to be able to talk with other believers and comfort one another. Also, while in Magnolia, I have been able to catch up with friends and that has been amazing. So, wish would have taken pictures, I need to remember to do that more often.

So, if I had the chance, would I change anything......nope, I am enjoying this lifestyle and being able to go on adventures. I truly am excited to really get started April 2nd, to see this amazing country that God has created.

I can't imagine doing anything else at this point in my life. I have had to make some sacrifices, I don't see Tim and Tressa every week, that has been hard. I am looking forward to seeing Tara, Jeff and my grandsons more often - that is exciting. Doing life in an RV with my hubby has been really great. Living in about 400 sq ft hasn't been awful. Hubby works Monday through Friday until around 3:00 and then we will do something together or nothing, like sit outside with a fire going. 
So, what is my point on this recap blog? Just to let you know that God is good, He is in control, He never leaves us nor forsakes us, and He is our ROCK! My word for the year is steadfast and He has taken me back to that word at least weekly. Even during crazy times like covid and the freeze, He is in control. Thank You, God, for never changing, for allowing me to have my crazy moments and that you have giving me people in my life that help me remember that You are still on the throne. 
May this blog find you safe, healthy, and remembering no matter what is going on around us, it is all a part of God's plan. 
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
God, the RV & me... 


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