West Texas

 Ahhhhh the joy and peace of West Texas, Iraan, specifically. My dad and stepmom have property there. Hubby and I go out and take care of their place (mostly hubby), it is so nice, quiet, and energizing. It is truly a blessing to be able to go out there. 

This time we went out there, not only to make sure the deer had feed, but also to take some of our things to store there. It was an emotional trip for me, knowing that we have nothing left at the house, some of our things in storage, some things given away, and a LOT of things thrown away. There is only one thing that is tying us to the house, that is that we still get mail there, but that will change this week. Not sure why it is hard to imagine life without LAST3 Ranch, but it is. Maybe because that is the longest place hubby and I have lived, maybe because some of our grandsons lived with us there, maybe because I truly never thought we would live any place else. BUT God has us on a new adventure and I am settling into it. I know starting April 2nd life will be totally different as hubby and I venture off to this amazing world God has made. I can't wait to see all of His creativity, all His glory and His beauty. 

My prayer on our new adventure is this; "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9. As much planning as hubby and I have done from April 2nd until October 9th, I pray that we will listen to Him and if we need to go to the right instead of the left, we will allow Him to guide us. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey, I hope that you will feel included as we bring part of America to you!

God, the RV & me...


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