Four Month Recap

 First, let me catch you up on the rest of our trip. We didn't have good internet signal at Wolf Camp campgrounds, so I couldn't post more of the pictures from last week. On our way to Wolf Camp, we stopped at Wall Drug in Wall, SD. It was huge, 76,000 sq ft drug store that had anything and everything you might want to buy. After our stop we saw more road art, love to see random things along the road. Wolf Camp was beautiful, and we wish we could have stayed, but hubby needs to work so we can continue our RV adventures. So, we moved to an RV park in Hermosa, SD and will remain there until the 22nd of May. Here are the pictures and then on to the four-month recap.

Secondly, here is what life has been like for four months on the road. It has been fun, wonderful to see God's creation, scary and well, let's just say, some bad luck. Before we left the great state of TX, we installed our washer/dryer combo and showed you the pictures from that, what you didn't know is we had an accident with our awning. Hubby ordered new awning arms and a nice mobile RV repair man came out to install it. Well, it worked for a day and a half and then it popped out of the motor drive and hubby called and he came out again. That was good because we were scheduled to leave that day for OK. So, he had to cut the entire awning down and we had to throw it away. Let's just say, it doesn't look pretty. In ID we will get it fixed. OK was so windy, we wouldn't have been able to put the awning out anyway.

So, after feeling like we were in a boat with wind gusts up to 31 miles per hour in OK, we headed to CO. On our way to Alamosa, CO, the GPS took us through a neighborhood that had some large dips, guessing for when there is a lot of rain. So, we had a good bounce, but didn’t think anything of it.  While we were driving down the highway, someone in a car pointed at us to let us know that something was wrong. We pulled over and saw that our grey/black tank hose was all over the road, the ladder was bent and the holder for the hose was ruined.

Before we arrive at The Colorado Farm Brewery, we drive to a gas station to refuel. We didn't have a big enough opening to pull forward to exit, so hubby backed up the RV so we could make a u-turn and then suddenly, a huge crashing noise scared both of us. We thought we took down the gas station, but no, we were too far at an angle and RV hit the back window and it busted. I am just so thankful that it was the truck window and not the gas station. Let me tell you, driving through CO with no back window was COLD! We had jackets on, the heater on high and the seat warmers going. Once we got to Denver, hubby called Safelite, and we went and they put on what is called a crash wrap, still had some road noise, but it was no longer cold. As you might recall, it snowed 11 out of the 14 days while we were in Denver, so I had to choose my day carefully to drive into Arvada, CO and get a new the new window. On the bright side, I saw one of my high school friend's brother and was able to stay with him and his wife while they were working on the truck. We had a lot to catch up on, I haven’t seen him in 22 years. We also enjoyed a nice lunch and then he drove me back to pick up the truck. The new window is wonderful. 

On another bright note, we had a new truck bed cover added before we left TX and it is amazing! So, we leave CO and when we were driving through NE we stopped at a Walmart and picked up another hose. We have endured wind, snow, rain and then last Wednesday we had hail in Hermosa. Just so excited that God protected us, the truck and the RV. It wasn't large hail. "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!" He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark." Psalm 91:1-2,4 (NASB).

Mother’s Day was a little hard, not seeing any of our children or grandchildren. So thankful for texts and phone calls. Truly, all in all, hubby and I are enjoying ourselves. We are meeting new people, seeing new sights, viewing God's creation and I am excited to be on this adventure. We have also found that enduring our challenging times has brought us even closer together and living in around 400 sq ft hasn’t been as hard as I would have imagined. 

Drop a comment for me and let me know your thoughts on the blog.
God, the RV & me...


  1. Dear Stacy and Albert,
    I just read ALL of your posts to catch up! Wow you are certainly having the adventure! I love the positive spin you put on everything and am enjoying the photos too. I've read most of them to your uncle George who is enjoying them too. We remember our adventures in our little motor home, nothing as courageous as yours but the scenery reminds us both of such good times! Thank you so much for sharing -- we wish you both the very best and look forward to seeing you in California this summer. Love, Aunt Anne.

  2. Oh my goodness. I’m sorry but I couldn’t help but laugh reading this...not at your trials but at the craziness of you first long haul. I can’t believe y’all still want to do this after all of that. Here’s hoping the next leg of the journey is less eventful and more enjoyable.

  3. I don’t know why this keeps posting my comment! Help! LOL!


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