Welcome to Music City (Nashville, TN)

We enjoyed our stay in Nashville. Even though the KOA wasn't that pretty, we did meet some nice people and enjoyed getting to know them. "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!" Psalm 133:1 (NASB). Monday, we took a tour of Belle Meade. Now it is a historical non-profit Mansion. It was a fun and informative tour where we learned about horse racing, the family history and how you can lose everything. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take pictures inside. For more information, you can watch a couple of videos on YouTube. Fun fact: Belle Meade means Beautiful Meadow in French.

This is what the Belle Meade Mansion would have looked like in 1856.

Owned by W.G. Harding 1853.

The sundial didn't know it was time to "Spring Forward".

We enjoyed the "Redneck Bus Tour" around Nashville. We got there a little early so we could grab some lunch. Also, I wanted a picture of us in front of Cooter's. Remember "Dukes of Hazzard", well, he was the mechanic on the show. 

We didn't go into the museum though.

We shared some really good fish tacos.

My favorite quarterback, Joe Montana.

Redneck Bus Tour

Our host, Buckshot.

*Tennessee: Northern Mockingbird (Bird), Tulip Tree (Tree), Iris (Flower), and "Agriculture and Commerce" (Motto).

Don't miss the next blog, it will tell you about the Louisville, Kentucky area.

If there is something special you would like me to take a picture of, please let me know!
Drop a comment for me and let me know your thoughts on the blog.

God, the RV & me...




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