Southern California (or as it is also known So Cal) - week 1

When we drove on Interstate 5 south from Lemoore to San Dimas, we drove on the Grapevine. This is a route I have been on since I was little. It was the only way my cousin Julie and I could visit each other. The Grapevine was named after the wild grapes that grew along the original road. The Spanish named it La CaƱada de las Uvas, which means Grapevine Ravine. Sometimes this route is closed due to snow, ice or heavy rains that produce mud slides. After crossing over, the weather is very different. Cooler than that of the San Joaquin Valley for sure (Lemoore is part of the San Joaquin Valley). Julie came out to see the rig and we had such a nice visit. Then we went to her house for dinner, and we saw Julie's husband, Doug, my Uncle Doug and Aunt E.L. What a great time catching up. I believe we haven't seen my uncle and aunt since Julie turned 50 in 2015. I messed up and forgot to take a picture of us all together. My cousin, Julie. She broke her arm the first day back at school. ...