
Showing posts from August, 2021

Southern California (or as it is also known So Cal) - week 1

When we drove on Interstate 5 south from Lemoore to San Dimas, we drove on the Grapevine. This is a route I have been on since I was little. It was the only way my cousin Julie and I could visit each other. The Grapevine was named after the wild grapes that grew along the original road. The Spanish named it La CaƱada de las Uvas, which means Grapevine Ravine. Sometimes this route is closed due to snow, ice or heavy rains that produce mud slides. After crossing over, the weather is very different. Cooler than that of the San Joaquin Valley for sure (Lemoore is part of the San Joaquin Valley). Julie came out to see the rig and we had such a nice visit. Then we went to her house for dinner, and we saw Julie's husband, Doug, my Uncle Doug and Aunt E.L. What a great time catching up. I believe we haven't seen my uncle and aunt since Julie turned 50 in 2015. I messed up and forgot to take a picture of us all together. My cousin, Julie. She broke her arm the first day back at school.

Home town - Lemoore, CA

  It is so interesting coming back to my hometown of Lemoore, California. Lemoore was a quiet community with farmers and the Navy base and now, can I just say, we have way more than just one stoplight! The house I grew up in, well, from 7th grade until college (the longest place I have ever lived as a child) looks SO small, it was so big back then. It is also funny because every place we went, I would look to see if I knew someone, didn't happen. It is hot in the valley and very dry! California needs prayer for sure. It is on fire, best I can tell there are 15 active fires happening right now. Makes my heart sad. The beautiful state that I loved and never wanted to leave, is awful. Drought, fires, mud slides and crazy politics. "The Lord's curse is on the house of the wicked, but He blesses the dwelling of the righteous."  Proverbs 3:33 (ESV) This is the sun. It is red and you can look straight at it because of all the smoke in the air. All that being said, hubby and

Exploring the Redwoods and the Lost Coast

What a wonderful week of sightseeing, laughing, eating and playing cards with amazing people! Hubby and I have never been to Northern California, and it was amazing. We had wonderful weather as well. I was a little nervous that I would be freezing like in Coos Bay, Oregon, but nope! It was just right most of the time. I did wear long sleeves and sometimes my hoody, but all in all perfect. So, here are the Redwoods. They are huge! Makes you dizzy just looking up trying to find the treetops. "He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers."   Psalm 1:3 (NASB) Redwood Sorrel and a Redwood Sorrel Flower (not clover). This Redwood tree is roughly 1000 years old and has been through a fire and a historic flood. Sitting in a tree! Mike (Lori's husband), Lori, me and Hubby. Lori (my best friend from High School) and I in a tree. Me, hubby, Lori and Mike We also expl

Ferndale, California

  One last look at the Mount Shasta sky. The Lord is so creative! I truly love looking at the sky and seeing the clouds, but this is His light shining through and it just made the sky so beautiful. I hope that the photos will capture the beauty we saw! "Do you know the balancing of the clouds, the wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge;"  Job 37:16 (ESV) Driving from the heat of Mount Shasta, we saw the temperature drop from 105 to 62. We also saw the fog lifting from the ocean, I really enjoyed watching the fog being burned off by the sun. Now to share about the fun and cute town Ferndale. My high school friend, Lora and her husband, Mike bought a home in Ferndale, CA. The town was established in 1852 by Willard Allard, Seth Louis Shaw and his brother Stephen W. Shaw. The city contains dozens of well-preserved Victorian storefronts and homes. It is the northern gateway to California's "Lost Coast" and the city, is sited on the edge of a wide plain ne