San Diego (one of my favorite places)

 Yesterday, September 11, 2021, marked twenty years since America was attacked. It was a shocking and horrible day. I still remember where I was when the first tower went down, and I saw the second tower crumble. Time stood still, life changed as we knew it, and friends and family were lost. If you haven't been to the monument in New York, you should go. It is quiet, peaceful and sullen. A friend from high school died at the Pentagon that day. He was an amazing man, husband, father and military hero. Otis will always be remembered, and my hometown has seen to that very thing. I pray that you and your family are happy, healthy and huddled together during the times we are living in now. May God place His hands upon you in a mighty way as we navigate what America looks like twenty years later. "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven - A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance. A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; a time to be silent and a time to speak." Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4, 7 (NASB)

Before I share about this past week in San Diego, I wanted to share one last picture from San Dimas. We had such a wonderful time with my cousin Julie and her family. It was a blessing to be able to see them multiple times. I feel truly blessed for the opportunity to share memories, laugh and love with friends and family.

Front to back: Hubby, Doug, Aunt E.L., Uncle Doug, me and Julie

San Diego is a truly wonderful place, crowded due to everyone loving it, but none the less, beautiful. We arrived a week ago and have been able to see family and friends. I must say, I have been lacking in picture taking, but since we are here for over a month, I will remember to take pictures so you can see our wonderful family and friends. 


We were able to meet up with a wonderful woman, Jean Dekker, at the yacht club on Friday night for dinner. It was a fun time, and she has some fun friends that allowed us to barge in on their party. The yacht club is on Coronado Island, which is known for beautiful beaches, a famous hotel (Hotel Del Coronado), and amazing houses to gaze upon. It also has some great places to eat. The Hotel Del Coronado was built in 1888 and is now designated as a National Historic Landmark. It has a colorful past which includes presidents and princes, socialites and scandals, ghosts and glamorous celebrities. 

One of the amazing views from the yacht club.

In 1926, John D. Spreckles recommended that a bridge be built between San Diego and Coronado, but voters dismissed the plan. The Navy didn't want a bridge and in 1935, an officer at the naval air station at North Island argued that if a bridge was built to cross the bay, then the Navy would leave San Diego. By 1964 the Navy supported plans to build the bridge if there was at least a 200 feet clearance for ships which operate out of the nearby Naval Bast San Diego could pass underneath. Fun fact: the bridge opened to traffic on August 3, 1969, during the 200th anniversary of the founding of San Diego. 

I will take a better picture to show you how amazing this bridge is.

Next time, more family and friend photos. May your week be filled with fun, friendships and family!
If there is something special you would like me to take a picture of, please let me know!
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God, the RV & me...


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