San Diego part 4

 First, I would like to wish our daughter, Tressa and son-in-law, Andrew a happy anniversary. One year ago, today they were married in our front yard. So much has happened since then. The time did fly by though. 

October 3, 2020

It has been another whirl wind of a week. We saw family and friends. We went out to brunch with my cousin and his family! A place named "Jimmy's Famous American Pub" (never found out what it was famous for - LOL). It was nice. We walked around afterward and saw this big guy. He was fun to watch.

Hubby, Tim, me, Michelle and Lindsay

Last Wednesday, we met up with my cousin, Candy and new hubby, Aaron. Forgot to take pictures. Makes me so mad when I do that. We haven't seen each other for a while. It was nice to catch-up.


Thursday, my best friend from college came to see me. She drove from the Palm Springs area. When we talk it is like we talk every day, the conversation easily flows. We all went over to Thor's for Thursday Night Football and then Lynn and I stayed there and had a fun time driving all over San Diego. We went to "Clayton's" for breakfast - YUM! Then walked over to a park and just sat for 2 hours talking. This was on Coronado Island. 

Fun Fact: Clayton's was named in 1972 when the owner Clayton Rice changed it. 
It was formerly named Gerry's Coffee Shop which opened its doors in 1947.

After the park, we headed to Ocean Beach or as the locals say OB. There I took her to a restaurant, "Wonderland". You walk upstairs and then you can see the beach. We shared some yummy food and talked some more. I don't think we could ever run out of things to talk about.

Pescado Sampler

View from "Wonderland".

We drove back to the rig and talked some more, hubby joined us as well. It is easy to solve the world’s problems over food, now if the world would just listen to us - LOL. "The Lord has made everything for its own purpose, even the wicked for the day of evil". Proverbs 16:4 (NASB)
I started a project that involves every state we visit. I like to know the state's bird, tree, flower and motto. I will start with our first three states where we spent at least one night. 
*Texas: Mockingbird, Pecan, Blue Bonnet and "Friendship" (which comes from the Caddo Indian word meaning Friends or allies).
*Oklahoma: Scissor-tallied flycatcher, Red Bud, Oklahoma Rose and "Labor Ommia Vincit" (Latin for Work conquers all).
*Colorado: Lark Bunting, Blue Spruce, Rocky Mountain Columbine Aquilegia Coeurlea and "Nilsire Numine" (Latin for Nothing without the Deity)
If there is something special you would like me to take a picture of, please let me know!
Drop a comment for me and let me know your thoughts on the blog.
God, the RV & me...


  1. Love all of this! San Diego is one of my favorite places ever! Lived there for 4 years. Also the new project your song for each state is such a great idea!🙌👏❤


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