Snow in Anna, Texas

 We are in Shreveport, Louisiana, but I thought I would show you what happened in Anna before we hit the road.

First, we were blessed to have time to visit with hubby's cousin (Belinda) and her husband (Andy). I cannot tell you the last time we saw each other, so many years ago. It was nice to visit with them in their home and then go out to eat Mexican food. If you are ever in Melissa, Texas, you will want to stop and eat at Maria's Mexican Restaurant. Hubby and I really enjoyed their food.

Andy, Belinda, me and hubby.

Secondly, Wednesday the temperature started dropping. Belinda was going to come out to the rig for a visit, but we had to push that to Friday. Well, Friday didn’t happen either. We actually stayed an extra day just to make sure the roads were free of ice. So on Wednesday night, the rain started and then it became freezing rain. Somewhere in the early morning on Thursday, it turned into beautiful snow. God was covering up the ground with His white fluffy snow. Fun fact: snow forms when tiny ice crystals in the clouds stick together to become snowflakes. If enough crystals stick together, they'll become heavy enough to fall to the ground. If the temperature at the grounds is less than 32 F, the crystals will not melt on the way down.

Hubby braved the weather to get this picture for me.

I took this from inside the rig.

It was nice to be able to eat hot venison stew (venison courteous of Cameron and Hannah, Tim's roommates), chili and broccoli soup during our snow days. We are trying to eat more keto friendly, so it was great to find recipes that helped us stay the course. "Whether then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NASB)
If there is something special you would like me to take a picture of, please let me know!
Drop a comment for me and let me know your thoughts on the blog.
God, the RV & me... 


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