More fun with the grandkids
Since we had Charley and Cody last Thursday and Friday, we picked up Cameron and Chase on Saturday and had them with us until Monday. We had a nice time showing them around the KOA, but on Sunday we went back to Fort McAllister. I wanted to go to Forsyth Park with them, but it was CRAZY time in Savannah because of St. Patrick's Day. We didn't tour the fort but let them play on the playground which also had an exercise area. They had a good time, then we had an early dinner, played Baby Yoda Operation, and then watched The Mandalorian. It was a nice day. Cameron at the Outlet Mall before Fort McAllister. Chase on the playground at Fort McAllister. Cameron working out. Chase working out. Before we took the boys back, we had to take a picture with them. Time is so precious, and I am glad we have been able to make memories. Hubby, Chase, me and Cameron. I wish I had as much energy as the boys, I try to keep up with them. I dropped them off on Monday and then got the tour of where ...