The Past Two Weeks

I'm back, so sorry about missing a post last week, this week I made sure to get one ready for you. This is officially my 181-blog post and I appreciate you joining in for the journey. We have been busy here in Iraan. We go into town almost every day just to dump trash, we also have driven to Fort Stockton, Ozona and Big Lake. Let me first put up some pictures from January 14th through the 20th. It was full of family, and it was frozen. Here is the family for our January Christmas. In the back are Stef, Robert, Connie and hubby. In the front are my dad and Baine. Can you see Baine? Little icicles hanging off the cover. There is an icicle on the truck tire. Frozen winter wonderland. It was chilly out there, that is for sure, but we enjoyed being together and celebrating with each other. What a difference a week makes. It has thawed out and we are reaching nearly 70 degrees. As I am writing this it is currently 64 and should hit 67. Some days it seems as though I have to wear two dif...