
If mercies are new every morning, joy comes in the morning, and each day is a fresh start, then why is it so hard to get out of bed?  Mornings are full of surprises and camping can bring some.  Bacon smoke filling the RV, loud machines making smoothies, forgetting to turn off the oven, and taking turns using the bathroom, just a few of the exciting times living life while on the road.  Hmmmmm and I am not even on the road full time as of yet - wonder what other fun morning times hubby and I will encounter? 

Strange, as I write these thoughts, my heart is looking forward to the time when we are full timers.  Working out bathroom schedules, learning to cook on a lower heat so smoke doesn’t fill the RV, living life exploring new places that God has created.  Just feels right.  

As I mentioned above, mornings can be rough for me.  I don’t always want to get out of bed, but something strange happens to me while RVing - I look forward to watching the sunrise, I enjoy sitting outside with my coffee watching how peaceful the world can be and soaking in all that God is doing.  It is quiet, the sky has amazing colors, life feels tranquil - amazing how God starts our day.

His mercies ARE new every morning.  He brings joy every morning.  I love how I can have a fresh start every day.  He is working, He is moving, He is creating, He is alive and He is really waiting to embrace us every moment of every day.  

Thank You, Lord, for every morning You allow us to see, every day You allow us to encounter and every moment You give breath into our lungs.  You are the GREAT I AM and we adore You!

May the Lord give you a blessed morning, every morning!  

God, the RV & me...


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