
Showing posts from March, 2021

Improving the RV

  Hubby and I worked hard this past week on the RV. We are trying to get ready for our adventure beginning April 2nd.  Hubby added a new faucet for the bathroom sink.  We also installed a washer/dryer combo to the RV. Hubby did all the research and the hard part - cutting into our RV. I was his sidekick and helped where I could. Mostly lifting the washer/dryer into the RV, up the stairs into the hallway and then up some more stairs into our bedroom. That is where the connection is for the washer/dryer. I did sacrifice a little bit of storage, but worked on getting things organized and threw out stuff that we thought we needed but didn't. I am really enjoying the wash/dryer combo and have been using it every day. Just to do a load, I set the clothes in and forget about them until the drying part has been completed. Not sure if I will always wash every day, but for now, I am loving my new toy, yes, it feels like a new toy for me.  The Lord tells us in Ecclesiastes 4:9, "Two are

West Texas

 Ahhhhh the joy and peace of West Texas, Iraan, specifically. My dad and stepmom have property there. Hubby and I go out and take care of their place (mostly hubby), it is so nice, quiet, and energizing. It is truly a blessing to be able to go out there.  This time we went out there, not only to make sure the deer had feed, but also to take some of our things to store there. It was an emotional trip for me, knowing that we have nothing left at the house, some of our things in storage, some things given away, and a LOT of things thrown away. There is only one thing that is tying us to the house, that is that we still get mail there, but that will change this week. Not sure why it is hard to imagine life without LAST 3  Ranch, but it is. Maybe because that is the longest place hubby and I have lived, maybe because some of our grandsons lived with us there, maybe because I truly never thought we would live any place else. BUT God has us on a new adventure and I am settling into it. I know

Two Month Recap

 I can't believe it has been 2 months that we have been living in an RV. Where has the time gone? Hubby and I started out on January 14th in Corpus Christi for a week, then we spent two weeks in Sargent, after that the month of February in Galveston, and now we are in Magnolia for the month of March. I am glad we are done with beach time. It was WINDY and we also froze, it was crazy, I tell you.  So, what is it like living in an RV for two months? It is amazing and also so different. Most of my days are spent doing some exercise, having my time with the Lord, walking the dog and if I am honest, playing Spider (a game that is sort of like Solitaire). I also read, so let's just say it has been laid back. I do run errands, grocery shop, do laundry, that sort of thing. This past Thursday while I was doing laundry, I also cleaned the RV, that was nice to have some alone time to do that (hubby was running errands that day). There have been a few times when I so wanted to go back to t


 Life needs relationships, it is to hard to be alone on that desert island. Remember the movie “Cast Away”? Tom Hanks made a friend out of a volleyball that he named Wilson. He needed someone to talk with, someone to do life with, someone who would be there through the good, the bad and the ugly.  That’s where these ladies come in: Years ago Robin and Fonda came into my life. Robin’s daughter, Tammy and my daughter Tara were in kindergarten together and became friends. Then, Robin’s daughter, Jennifer, started going to a church. Well, Robin and her family started going to that church, Fonda and her family started going, and the Lord led me and my family there. When I was pregnant with my third child, Robin threw me a baby shower and the rest is history.  This is what I know and what God says, “One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have the king (queens) for a friend.” Proverbs 22:11 (NIV). These ladies are my queens. We love each other and for over 28 years we have