A Very Merry Christmas

What can I say, last week was wild, awesome, crazy, fun, a lot of food, eating out, presents and that all added up to one tired Grandma. So, this blog will be a little different. Hope you don't mind. We were blessed to be able to take up an entire row at church for Christmas Eve. It was fun to watch Tim on stage and poor guy, he had to stay on stage the entire time. A couple of people fell asleep, but we won't hold that against them. Love my family! It was a candle lit Christmas service. Don't worry, I picked up the battery operated candles for the grandsons. Last Monday was Christmas and I was able to put together the breakfast casseroles Christmas Eve at Tim's and we made two trips for supplies and presents. Andrew had to work, so we watched the boys open their gifts in the morning and the adults opened their gifts when Andrew arrived. It was a fun day and Tim was a great host. This year we didn't take a group photo, so sad. Here is part of the gang. Cody, Chas...