
Showing posts from June, 2020

Where has the time gone?

This cutie is 28 years old today!  I am not sure where the time has gone, but it sure has flown.  Our baby, Tressa, has a big year planned for 2020.  She and her fiancĂ©, Andrew, will be getting married. So, how during Covid19 do you get married, stay tuned and prayerfully I will be able to tell you all about it!  Not sure if you can tell by this picture, but this is a wedding that has themes from movies.  These two grew up well, both loving movies.   Not sure about your family, but ours loves to quote lines from movies. Hmmmmmm, maybe I should start putting some in - see if you can guess what line comes from what movie!  Sounds a like a fun game to me.    This Thursday, July 2nd (hubby’s birthday), we leave for our RV trip!  Can’t wait to show you more of the Lord’s amazing creation! Have a truly blessed day! God, the RV & me...

Clouds, oh how I love them!

Hubby and I were sitting outside in West TX waiting for the storm to roll in when I saw the most amazing clouds.  I had to take some pictures.  I just love my phone!!  I was proud to say that I didn't use a filter on this picture, but mainly, that is, because I don't know how to use filters - LOL.  So, here is what God displayed in His sky.  So amazing! Last Sunday was Father's Day.  I hope that fathers were celebrated well, not only on Sunday, but every day.  My hubby likes Chinese food and so that is what I made for him.  He isn't able to eat it very often because I am not able to have sugar and many of the sauces contain sugar.  So, I fixed him his favorite at home, General Tso's chicken.  It was truly nice to have the kids there and to be able to visit.  Of course, we missed our oldest child, son-in-law and grandsons - hopefully soon we will be able to catch up with them. Well, for our next big adventure we leave July 2nd (hubby...

Sabbath Rest

I have been on a journey for rest, specifically for Sabbath rest (Shabbat in Hebrew).  What does Sabbath rest mean? What does it look like for me?  Why am I called to have a Sabbath rest?  In Genesis 2:2-3 God’s Word says, “By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.  Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.”   (NASB) So, God rested and sanctified the seventh day, He called it out as something blessed, special, and unique.  In Exodus 20:8-10 God Word says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work,...”  (NASB) When I am RVing or in West Texas (photo above), I find it easy to rest, relax, renew.  When I am back home, the busyness of life cr...

Time with God

What I have enjoyed being on this journey is to see God’s beauty and glory!  He reveals Himself so much through His creation - this amazes me.  Right now we are camping (not roughing it - LOL - we are enjoying ourselves at Bluewater RV resort).  So, this morning I am up early, didn’t plan it that way, just got up and remembered that the sun was about to rise.  Hubby and I had a plan last night how we would go over to the beach and watch the sunrise - romantic, right??  As the night went on and my allergies went into full bloom, all those plans went out the window, so when I woke up early, I thought, this is my chance, my chance to grab some beautiful photos of the sun rising.  I got the dog and went outside, yes, in my P.J.’s and wanted to watch the glorious moment.  Well, I guess I wasn’t the only one, others were out there as well.  So I hurried the dog up and came back inside to see how I could take some photos.  Here is what I was able to...

The journey begins...

From the time I can remember, camping was not really my thing.    We went at least one time when I was little, it seemed fun at the time, but then growing up I wasn’t a fan of sweating, dirt or bugs.    In my 30’s I volunteered in AWANA’s (a Christian type of Girl Scouts).    We took the girls camping on two different occasions and it was there I made my vow - camping, for me, would be a Holiday Inn Express.    My husband would dream of a little trailer and once we even looked at them, but I made my stand - Holiday Inn Express for me.   It wasn’t until I was in my 50’s that I changed my mind.  It was the year we kept two of our grandsons.  They lived with us for a school year, one went to fourth grade and the other to first grade.  It was June and time to meet up with the rest of the family, so we drove half way.  Ended up in Mobile, AL.  Stayed for a couple of days and after that I knew ...