Hot in Corpus Christi

So, Corpus Christi is a bit hot at the moment, but we do enjoy it when the sun goes down. Crazy heat index - ahhhh 118 degrees - that is wild! Hubby had his appointment with the dentist and all is well with him, so that is good. We are enjoying the time together and I am really seeing the RV travel life is for me. Hard to go back home - ready for a new adventure. We were able to go to Kingsville for a little bit on Saturday. Hubby was born there and really never lived anywhere else until he moved to Houston. My mother-in-law passed away 4 years ago and we were able to visit her grave, as well as my brother-in-law who passed in 2018. We also had a nice visit with my father-in-law at the house, we were able to have some time with him. Life is SO precious for sure! At this moment I am thinking about what type of legacy I am leaving for my children and grandchildren. My mother-in-law was amazing. Never said a bad...